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Masterthesis Customer Success

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Job Description

At ACCURE, we empower batteries and those who use them.
Batteries are a key element of our clean energy and mobility future. ACCURE makes batteries safe, reliable, and sustainable through the power of the cloud. Using our highly scalable monitoring and optimization platform, we drastically improve the performance of batteries in electric vehicles and grid storage systems around the world.

Our mission: Safe, efficient, and sustainable batteries for a clean energy future.

At ACCURE, we need passionate builders and storytellers who believe in our common vision of a clean energy future. Our diverse team values both passion and humbleness. We are eagerly seeking highly motivated individuals to join our fast-growing international team. If you're a student and seeking an opportunity to write your master's thesis, we are excited to present this unique chance.

Master thesis: Charging strategies for e-mobility fleets - a balancing act between battery aging and electricity pricesDepot solutions for e-mobility fleets face challenges, particularly in terms of the efficiency of the charging infrastructure. In reality, charging point coverage rarely reach full capacity, which means that vehicles often have to be charged one after the other to ensure they are ready for use the next day. This leads to inefficient workflows and potentially higher operating costs. This results in two main challenges the depot manager has to tackle.

  • Battery aging: Leaving vehicles at the depot for long periods of time with a 100% charge can lead to accelerated battery aging. In practice, depot solutions try to minimize this effect by charging vehicles as late as possible but as early as necessary to maximize battery life.
  • Electricity price: The cost of electricity is a key factor when planning charging strategies. Fleet operators aim to charge their vehicles at times when the price of electricity is at its lowest. A comprehensive analysis of electricity prices and their fluctuations throughout the day can help to identify optimal charging windows and thus reduce operating costs. Your task will be to develop a sophisticated charging strategy that both minimizes battery aging and optimizes costs by cleverly timing the charging processes.
  • Experiences: Currently pursuing a technical course of study with a focus on battery engineering (e.g., electrical or mechanical engineering) or data analytics (e.g., computational science or business administration).
  • Know-how: You have a high interest in analyzing and interpreting lithium-ion batteries (preferably, you've already gained some basic battery knowledge).
  • MS Office: Profound knowledge in the use of MS Office (especially PowerPoint and Excel). Alternatively, we would be overjoyed if Python is your favorite language and you feel confident in it.
  • Working method: Demonstrated initiative, flexibility, and organizational skills. You approach tasks with meticulous attention to detail and reliability.
  • Personality: Exceptional problem-solving skills and a hands-on mentality. You thrive in team environments, contributing positively to collaborative efforts.
  • Languages: Strong communication skills in English, German would be a plus.
  • Enhance your skills: Elevate your analytical, problem-solving, and technical skills, mastering python and other tools that are crucial in the fast-paced battery world.
  • Contribute to change: Your work won't be confined to a back corner. You'll actively contribute to projects, leaving a lasting impact for ACCURE.
  • Cultivate creativity: Embrace a culture of curiosity, experimentation, and creativity that encourages you to think beyond boundaries.
  • Learning: You get the chance to collaborate with and learn from leading battery experts on battery diagnostics, field data analysis, cutting-edge cloud-based infrastructure and many more.
  • Experience: An opportunity to experiment with one of the world’s largest (and constantly growing) battery operation datasets.

    At ACCURE, we're committed to cultivating an environment that promotes equality, diversity, and inclusion. We believe our unique qualities must be celebrated as they are critical to our innovation. It's essential to us that you bring your authentic self to work every single day, no matter your age, ethnicity, religion, citizenship, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, neurodiversity, or otherwise. Inclusion isn't just an initiative at ACCURE. We strive to embed it not just into our core values but throughout our entire ecosystem. logo

Accure number of job openings over time by month

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If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Accure before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Accure

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