Analyst, FP&A Business Operations

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Job Description

Tesla’s Finance team combines traditional financial planning and analysis with broader business decision-making and strategy, directly supporting Tesla’s leadership. Finance is embedded in daily operations, supporting both near-term execution and long-term planning. Team members are expected to analyze data and provide recommendations and to lead cross-functional decision-making and implementation of the recommendations. Tesla Finance is lean and dynamic, comprised of five subgroups: Corporate Finance, Energy Finance, Engineering Finance, Manufacturing Finance, and Sales, Marketing and Service (SMS) Finance. We encourage rotation across subgroups for high performers.

Corporate Finance works with all Finance subgroups and other leaders to:

  • Lead Tesla’s corporate forecast process
  • Work with finance and non-finance stakeholders to analyze the impact of proposed business decisions (including actual performance) on Tesla’s financial health
  • Develop the company’s income statement, balance sheet and cash flow forecast
  • Synthesize these forecasts for review with Tesla’s Leadership and Board of Directors
  • Develop and track cross-company efforts to improve gross margin and cash flow
  • Lead long term planning for Tesla, including new products/capabilities, and capital needs
  • Work directly with CFO, General Counsel, and other Execs to optimize G&A spending/investments

    Engineering Finance works with Engineering and Supply Chain to:

  • Manage R&D investments/planning for Engineering (e.g. return on investment analyses for new technology development, resource planning, etc.) and develop associated forecasts
  • Track, report, and proactively manage profit improvement (e.g. design proposals, supply chain initiatives) on existing vehicles
  • Support product development by establishing cost targets and guiding engineering, design and supply chain decisions towards attainment of these targets (i.e. cost vs. performance tradeoffs)

    Manufacturing Finance works with Manufacturing and Supply Chain to:

  • Manage all manufacturing investments globally and develop associated forecasts
  • Includes evaluation of major CapEx decisions, expansion plans, and business cases on automation, manufacturing scope, insource vs. outsource choices, and location
  • Lead manufacturing cost improvement for all products, including feedback on estimated manufacturing costs for future programs, identification of focus areas for cost, and execution of identified initiatives

    Sales, Marketing and Service (SMS) Finance works with the Sales, Services and Marketing teams to:

  • Manage investments into SMS activities, develop associated forecasts, and lead profitability analysis/improvement initiatives as the global and regional level
  • Lead pricing efforts, including options and services, and business planning for global retail, service and sales enablement
  • Develop and evaluate ROI for new markets, new business models, superchargers, pre-owned vehicles, and services;

    Energy Products Finance works with Engineering, Supply Chain, Manufacturing and SMS teams to:

  • Develop and maintain financial projections, track actual performance against plan for energy storage and solar products, inclusive of deployment activities
  • Drive cost optimization in product development for existing and future products with a focus on establishment and attainment of cost targets
  • Lead pricing efforts for Energy Products, including installation and services, and business planning for global retail, service and sales enablement logo

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Get a referral to Tesla

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Tesla before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Tesla

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