SunPower logo

Senior Paralegal

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Job Description

Do you want to change the world? We do, too.

SunPower is changing the way our world is powered every day with a passionate and driven team in North America and the Philippines. SunPower provides world-class solar solutions to residential customers across the U.S. with a commitment to a superior customer experience. We welcome forward thinkers, freedom chasers and all those demanding better, cleaner energy to join us.

Summary of Role:

SunPower is seeking a Senior Consumer Finance Paralegal to provide support for its wholly-owned subsidiary, SunPower Financial, as well as other areas where SunPower’s attorneys require support. A desire to provide world-class legal solutions to customers is a must. As part of the legal department, this position focuses on supporting the Company’s consumer finance attorney. This is a great opportunity to be part of a close-knit, cross-functional team of talented and creative individuals. logo

SunPower number of job openings over time by month

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Get a referral to SunPower

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to SunPower before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from SunPower

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