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ClimateTechList is free for job seekers, no registration required, and I, Steven, run it by myself at cost part-time.

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Job Description

StreetLight pioneered the use of Big Data analytics to shed light on how people, goods, and services move, empowering smarter, data-driven transportation decisions. The company applies proprietary machine-learning algorithms and data processing resources to measure travel patterns of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians that enable complex transportation problem solving using analytics available on SaaS platform, StreetLight InSight®. Acquired by Jacobs as a subsidiary in February 2022, StreetLight continues to provide innovative digital solutions to help communities reduce congestion, improve safe and equitable transportation, and maximize the positive impact of infrastructure investment.

StreetLight’s history and largest customers may still be governments and public sector organizations, but our Commercial Sector team has grown from a team of 2 to 6 and more than doubled its business in the last 5 years. This Solutions Engineer will primarily work with customers in private-sector markets. You will work with private providers of new modes of transportation and other companies whose business relates to transportation as they evaluate and leverage StreetLight’s real-world transportation analytics. Example clients include TNCs (ride-hailing and micro-mobility companies), urban air mobility companies, automakers, the autonomous vehicle industry, electric vehicle charging solutions providers, private infrastructure and toll developers, real estate developers, retailers, insurers, consulting firms, partner software companies, and many more.

We are looking for a savvy, sophisticated technical sales professional who goes beyond sales to truly educate clients and partners, work closely with our professional services team to design custom solutions, and work closely with our executives and other cross-functional teams to further develop and build new processes for a scalable go-to-market strategy. Successful candidates will have experience tackling complex problems, fostering and managing client relationships across a range of different industries, and developing and then executing their own strategies. logo

StreetLight Data number of job openings over time by month

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Get a referral to StreetLight Data

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to StreetLight Data before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from StreetLight Data

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