Chemical Engineer

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Job Description

About Redwood Materials

Redwood Materials was founded in 2017 to create a circular supply chain for electric vehicles and clean energy products, making them more sustainable and driving down the cost for batteries. We’re doing this by developing and deploying new technologies to increase the scope and scale of recycled and sustainable materials in the global battery supply chain.

Chemical Engineer

As a chemical engineer at Redwood, you will have the opportunity to make the world a better place by contributing to a wide variety of processes and projects across the business and locations. The chemical engineering team has three main functions that leverage all the fields of chemical and metallurgical processing: Provide sound technical support and continuously improve our commercial operations; Develop new processes and plants to address the immediate challenges of the recycling industry; Research and development to address the future challenges of the recycling industry.

Responsibilities will include:

  • Working closely with operations and maintenance teams to ensure that our processes are safe, efficient, sustainable, and continuously improving
  • Leading and participating in cross-functional teams to develop and implement new process plant and equipment.
  • Testwork and pilot plant design and operation.
  • Flowsheet conceptualization and development.
  • Flowsheet trade-off evaluations and studies.
  • Process plant design.
  • Process plant implementation and installation assistance.
  • Process plant commissioning and ramp-up.
  • Leading and participating in research and development to meet strategic objectives.
  • Testwork and pilot plant design and operation.
  • Identifying and driving R&D to meet the short-term needs of the business and address future trends in the recycling industry.
  • Linking R&D with the development of commercial-scale equipment and processes.

Desired Qualifications

  • B.S. or M.S. in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science, or related discipline.
  • A minimum level of two years experience in a related engineering role across one or more of the three functions of the Redwood chemical engineering team.
  • Operations
    • Large-scale industrial processing experience.
    • Operational support and track record of solving difficult chemical and metallurgical process problems and making plant improvements.
  • Plant Design and Commissioning
    • Test work and pilot plant design and operating experience.
    • Process modeling (HSCSIM, SysCAD, METSIM) and equipment sizing linking test work and pilot plant operation to real project implementation.
    • Trade-off studies and financial evaluation.
    • Process plant design and commissioning.
    • Track record of solving difficult chemical and metallurgical processing problems.
  • Research and Development
    • Background in research and development with demonstrable outcomes.
    • Track record of solving difficult chemical and metallurgical processing problems.
    • Track record of linking of research and development activities with successful real-world implementation.
  • Metallurgical processing context of this experience is desired (mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy) but it isn’t essential.
  • Self Motivated with a hands on approach who takes the initiative.
  • Strong written and verbal communication.
  • A passion for sustainability and making the world a better place!

The position is full-time. Compensation will be commensurate with experience.

We collect personal information (PI) from you in connection with your application for employment with Redwood Materials, including the following categories of PI: identifiers, personal records, professional or employment information, and inferences drawn from your PI. We collect your PI for our purposes, including performing services and operations related to your potential employment. If you have additional privacy-related questions, please contact us at [email protected]. logo

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Get a referral to Redwood Materials

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Redwood Materials before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Redwood Materials

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