Pano AI logo

Plant Operations Manager

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Job Description

Who we are

The problem: Every minute matters in fire response. As climate change amplifies the intensity of wildfires—with longer fire seasons, dryer fuels, and faster winds—new ignitions spread faster and put more communities at risk. Today, most wildfires are detected by bystanders and reported via 911, meaning it can take hours to detect a fire, verify its exact location and size, and dispatch first responders. Fire authorities need a faster way to detect, confirm, and pinpoint fires so that they can quickly respond—preventing small flare-ups from becoming devastating infernos.

About Pano: Pano is a venture-backed early-stage climate tech startup that is the leader in wildfire early detection, leveraging the latest advancements in IoT, AI, satellites, and SaaS software to deliver actionable intelligence to customers. Pano leverages mountaintop cameras and satellites to detect the first traces of smoke and put real-time fire images in the hands of asset owners and first responders to speed up containment. Pano is already partnering with major utilities, fire authorities, and government agencies in the USA and Australia. Recent media coverage includes being named one of the Top 10 most innovative companies in AI of 2023 by FastCompany and recipient of the Innovative Mobile Service and Application Award at Mobile World Congress through our partnership with T-Mobile.

Pano brings together a diverse team bridging frontline, wildland firefighting experience with best-in-class know-how in operations, logistics, artificial intelligence, and software. Our team is composed of experienced technology professionals from companies such as Apple, Cisco, Nest, DoorDash and Meta. Headquartered in San Francisco with an office and factory in the Mission District, our hybrid team works from locations around the world. Founded in mid-2020, we’ve raised over $40M from leading VC funds.

The Role

Pano is searching for a Plant Operations Manager to develop and lead our plant operations team as they purchase and inventory materials, build products to fulfill orders, and ship finished goods to the field for customers in the United States, Australia, and Europe. You will be a true team leader, adaptable, self-motivated, and able to work in a highly active work environment. Reporting to the VP of Operations, you will be responsible for creating a scalable plant operations team and continually developing and refining the associated processes. This is an opportunity to further your hands-on experience in a successful, fast-paced startup environment, all while working on a meaningful and urgent problem. logo

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Get a referral to Pano AI

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Pano AI before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Pano AI

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