Senior FPGA Design Engineer

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Job Description

At Ouster, we build sensors and tools for engineers, roboticists, and researchers, so they can make the world safer and more efficient. We've transformed LIDAR from an analog device with thousands of components to an elegant digital device powered by one chip-scale laser array and one CMOS sensor. The result is a full range of high-resolution LIDAR sensors that deliver superior imaging at a dramatically lower price. Our advanced sensor hardware and vision algorithms are used in autonomous cars, drones and many other applications. If you’re motivated by solving big problems, we’re hiring key roles across the company and need your help!

Ouster Inc. is seeking a senior digital hardware FPGA design engineer to build the next-generation of lidar systems. You will work hands-on with hardware and develop new techniques to improve lidar performance. Your effort includes micro-architecture design, implementation, and testing of the customer facing features in FPGA RTL. The ideal candidate will have experience in all aspects of FPGA design, verification, bring up, and debug, as well as ability in scripting and writing basic low-level drivers to accompany said designs. logo

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Get a referral to Ouster

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Ouster before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Ouster

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