Mechanical Engineer - Airframe

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Job Description

At Odys Aviation, we’re building advanced vertical takeoff and landing aircraft for major airlines. This will cut travel time in half on the world’s busiest routes by using city helipads and local airports. More than 40% of all flights are less than 1,000 miles - let’s skip the airport and make these routes sustainable. Check out our intro video and in Techcrunch.

We’re a team of expert engineers from deep tech and aerospace working to remove the hassles of flying and reduce CO2 emissions for travelers globally. Previously, our team has built and flown custom drones. We’ve brought multiple automotive platforms into production. We’ve electrified transportation vehicles that magnetically levitate, that roll, that fly. Together, we’ve been learning, developing, building, testing, and preparing for this challenge our entire lives.

Are you able to design mass optimized components that contribute to successful aircraft function? Are you able to design simple and practical solutions to complex technical problems? Are you able to take designs from early concepts, through development, and deliver finished hardware?

The structures team is responsible for design, analysis, manufacturing, quality, integration and testing of all airframe components. The team collaborates closely with aerodynamics, propulsion system, flight test and flight controls teams to be able to design a structure that meets the aerodynamics exterior surface requirements, provides control surfaces and actuation for stable flight and can house and route all the energy and propulsive units within the airframe. As a mechanical design engineer you will be responsible for design of structures and mechanisms, integration of electronics and propulsion system, sourcing suppliers for manufacturing, assisting with in-house composite tooling design and manufacturing, design of test rigs and test execution and aircraft integration.

To be effective in this role, you must be flexible and a team player in order to accomplish the company goals. You will need to leverage your aerospace experience to design practical solutions to the next generation of aircraft. logo

Odys Aviation number of job openings over time by month

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Get a referral to Odys Aviation

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Odys Aviation before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Odys Aviation

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