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Finance Manager - Electroverse

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Job Description

About Octopus Electroverse

We’re making electric vehicle ownership as smart and as simple as possible, by building the giant, virtual charging platform of the future.

In just over two years, Octopus Electroverse has grown to become one of the largest eMobility players in Europe, with over 650,000 connected electric vehicle chargers and a customer ecosystem spanning web, iOS, Android, CarPlay, Android Auto & Automotive OS, and more.

But it’s just the start: we’re busy launching in new countries, working with more automotive and tech partners, building exciting new features at scale, and creating the integrated charging experiences of the future - all in the name of making public EV charging super simple for customers.

Electroverse is a multifunctional team made up of product, development, commercial, operations, marketing, partnerships and more - all focused together on making Octopus the go-to name in EV charging. And we’re looking for smart individuals with an interest in the space who can help us make it happen.

As Electroverse is entering its next stage of expansion, we are looking for a Finance Manager to lead on Operational Finance. This will include providing a full range of financial support, reporting, and services to support the efficient and effective running of the team and the delivery of its work.

This is a great opportunity to implement new processes to solve the unique challenges of this business during a period of rapid growth and evolution, collaborating with the wider team to understand how we can accelerate that growth further.

We are looking for someone with a passion for making travel with EVs simple as well as a strong technical accounting skillset and experience in implementing and improving finance processes. On top of this, we are looking for a self-motivated problem solver who isn’t afraid to get stuck in whilst keeping one eye on the big picture!

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Get a referral to Octopus Energy

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Octopus Energy before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Octopus Energy

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