Intelligent City logo

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ClimateTechList is free for job seekers, no registration required, and I, Steven, run it by myself at cost part-time.

The site gets about 30,000-40,000 users a month. Help support this site and make it easier for other future climate job seekers!

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Job Description

Intelligent City is an urban housing technology company that takes a product and platform-based approach to buildings. We combine exceptional design with mass timber construction, robotic manufacturing, and parametric software. Our mission is to build smarter and to empower people to live better. We create a new value paradigm for housing and workplace solutions that are more affordable, faster to build, consistently carbon neutral and socially resilient.

Our motto is ‘Build Smarter. Live Better. Think Change.’ If this resonates with you, we encourage you to apply to join our team and help us build a better world!

As Quality Technician, you will be entrusted with the responsibility to develop, implement, and optimize quality programs. Your role extends beyond inspection, encompassing the ability to proactively identify and rectify potential issues. You have strong analytical skills, critical thinking, decision-making, and a commitment to continuous improvement that helps to enhance our overall operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. By diligently identifying and mitigating risks, conducting thorough inspections, and collaborating seamlessly with cross-functional teams, the Quality Technician contributes to ensuring that our workplace stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence.

This position will be based on-site at our Delta, BC, manufacturing facility.

We are accepting applications from within the lower mainland, BC, only.

Location: DELTA, BC - On-site full-time in pre-fab facility logo

Intelligent City number of job openings over time by month

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Get a referral to Intelligent City

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Intelligent City before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Intelligent City

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Join ClimateTechList Talent Collective

Want to be matched with companies directly? Apply to the talent collective.

Here's how it works:

  1. You submit an application

  2. We'll share your profile with climate tech companies potentially interested in chatting with you

  3. We'll reach out if there's a company interested in talking to you.