Hanwha Q CELLs logo

Senior Program Manager, TPO Financing

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Job Description

Qcells, the market leader in residential solar panels, is launching a third-party-ownership (TPO) financing business (leases and PPAs). With 36% of the national market, a large and established dealer network, and newly available tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act, we are poised to establish a leadership position in this quickly growing market.

Qcells is currently seeking a senior program management professional to join our TPO team. The Senior Program Manager, TPO Financing will have a key leadership role and be responsible for the following activities:

1. New state entry for the leasing and PPA business

a. Surfacing regulatory, legal, and incentive-related requirements

b. Preparing product offering

c. Managing timelines for operationalization, training, marketing, and launch

2. Capital Partner Processes

a. Managing diligence process, audits, and IE reports

b. Driving to close on a financing timeline

3. Financing Program Leadership

a. Providing updates to all internal stakeholders on key development and launch timelines

b. Leading cross-functional working groups and driving timelines

c. Running AVL, Dealer Acceptance, and Exceptions Committee Processes

d. Setting up compliance & and reporting policies

He/she will be accountable for maintaining reporting structure and timelines, soliciting responses from project or team leaders and reporting non-conformance to management. The ideal candidate will be experienced in managing people and get the opportunity to build out a program management function.

Key to success in this position is comfort in creation mode. This role is joining an evolving team as it moves into its permanent structure within the organization. A focus on the ability to build from scratch and iterate as improvements are realized is paramount. Residential solar, specifically TPO experience is a bonus but not required. Although a general familiarity with EPC construction is a must.

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Get a referral to Hanwha Q CELLs

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to Hanwha Q CELLs before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from Hanwha Q CELLs

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