Field Business Development Officer

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ClimateTechList is free for job seekers, no registration required, and I, Steven, run it by myself at cost part-time.

The site gets about 30,000-40,000 users a month. Help support this site and make it easier for other future climate job seekers!

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Job Description

Job Description:

  • Finding and verifying farmer leads that can be converted as supply
  • Collect a number of farmers and cultivation database information (spread, estimated harvest time, projected harvest volume, etc.)
  • Acquire shrimp supplies according to the target by making calls & visits to farmers and/or suppliers
  • Negotiation of harvest prices in accordance with the specified limit
  • Building good relations with farmers and/or shrimp suppliers to ensure that shrimp supply can be harvested according to schedule
  • Offering and acquiring farmers to be part of the Efishery Ecosystem (Offering input and Feeder products)
  • Discipline ensures the process of inputting supply data into the platform and keeping the administration of recording farmer cooperation contracts properly reported
  • Build positive cooperation with various stakeholders in the aquaculture ecosystem in the target sourcing area (Area Supply)

Job Requirements:

  • Minimum diploma/bachelor in fisheries, agribusiness, or other related majors
  • Have 1 year experience as sales, aquaculture support, pond technician, or other related experience
  • Willing to be placed in all efishery operational areas
  • Have basic skills in terms of regional management and
  • Have account management skills
  • Have good interpersonal skills and communication
  • Can drive a car and have SIM A (active) logo

EFishery number of job openings over time by month

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Get a referral to eFishery

If possible, try to get a warm intro/referral to eFishery before applying! Do a LinkedIn search to see who you may know at the company. See this LinkedIn post from Steven for more details on this tactic.

All job openings from eFishery

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Want to be matched with companies directly? Apply to the talent collective.

Here's how it works:

  1. You submit an application

  2. We'll share your profile with climate tech companies potentially interested in chatting with you

  3. We'll reach out if there's a company interested in talking to you.