Credit Operational Risk Senior Associate

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Job Description

Job Description:

  • Responsible for developing and overseeing key operational risk indicators at the financing center
  • Regularly produces monthly operational risk reports, providing comprehensive insights into operational risk scenarios
  • Actively involved in executing and supporting operational risk projects aimed at reducing occurrences of operational risks
  • Possesses in-depth knowledge of operational risks, demonstrating a clear understanding of potential challenges and mitigating strategies
  • Holds expertise in reviewing and evaluating business processes, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of operational risk factors
  • Demonstrates familiarity with key risk indicators and risk matrices, indicating a proficiency in assessing and managing operational risks

Job Requirements:

  • Experience on the relevant field min 2 years
  • Minimum Bachelor degree
  • Have knowledge in operational risk
  • Have knowledge in business process review
  • Have knowledge in key risk indicator and risk matrix
  • Certification : CRMO/CRMP/ERMCP logo

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All job openings from eFishery

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