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Work on Climate

Updated May 2024

Company Info

Work On Climate is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization building the workforce needed to solve climate change equitably and justly. Our vision is one where climate work is no longer siloed among enthusiasts but becomes mainstream, with the entire global talent pipeline (schools, job boards, conferences etc.) giving hundreds of millions of workers the skills and direction to participate in building the new green economy. With over 20,000 members, we are the world’s largest community for professionals seeking climate work. Our free service, led by volunteers, has helped over 2,000 high-caliber individuals find climate jobs and many more find co-founders, employees, investors, mentors, and customers. We foster collaboration, experimentation, and knowledge-sharing within the climate work ecosystem through our programs, partnerships, and positive, action-oriented community. Feel free to connect with us on LinkedIn, join our Slack community channels to meet like-minded peers, and visit our website for upcoming events. Let’s work together to make climate work mainstream.

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