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Updated May 2024

Company Info

Vow is pioneering a novel approach to food production by utilizing cultured meat technology. The company is curating a diverse collection of cells from various species, both domesticated and undomesticated. This extensive library serves as a valuable resource for developing innovative ingredients that result in exceptionally flavorful and nutritious meats, surpassing what traditional animal farming can achieve.

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Vow job openings posted in the last month

Position TitleLocationDate first postedApply to JobRemote
Hyper-Learners InternshipSydney, AustraliaIn the last 4 days👉 Apply
Manufacturing Technician - FoodSydney, AustraliaIn the last 1 week👉 Apply
Creative Content DesignerSydney, AustraliaIn the last 2 weeks👉 Apply
Facilities CoordinatorSydney, AustraliaIn the last 4 weeks👉 Apply

All job openings from Vow

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