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Unravel Carbon

Updated Apr 2024

What Unravel Carbon makes

Software to help companies track and reduce their carbon emissions, focusing on Asia's supply chains and Scope 3 emissions.

Company Info

Unravel Carbon builds an AI-powered carbon management platform, specialising in Scope 3, the holy grail of GHG emissions.

With Unravel Carbon, companies can monitor and report their carbon emissions, and automatically find decarbonization solutions to help them get to Net Zero.

Role of software at Unravel Carbon

Unravel is building a data-intensive platform, so engineering and data are critical to the success of the company. Example product, engineering and data challenges to tackle include:

  • Building the largest repository of carbon data in Asia
  • Continuously improving Unravel's carbon engine
  • Creating a fully automated climate/decarbonization program for customers
  • Designing visualizations that help customers slice and dice their emissions data, and forecast the impact of decarbonization solutions.

Unravel Carbon's Trajectory

Currently at 40 employees in year 1, and expect to grow headcount by 2x in years 2 and 3. From a business perspective, Unravel expects to 6x in year 2, and then 2x every year after that.

Unravel Carbon's Climate Impact

Unravel's goal is to decarbonize 1gigaton of CO2e by 2030.