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Company Info
SolarEdge Technologies is a prominent player in the global market for DC power optimizers. The company offers module-level electronics for solar power harvesting and monitoring systems, catering to residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar photovoltaic installers. Their product range includes power optimizers, a web portal for optimization and monitoring, and PV inverters designed to work seamlessly with power optimizers. SolarEdge's vision is to enable individual management of every solar module through DC-DC module-level electronics, thereby accelerating the path to grid parity and affordable clean energy. Since its establishment in 2006, SolarEdge has pioneered the DC power optimizer segment and currently holds a market share of over 70%. With a presence in more than 40 countries across five continents, SolarEdge has shipped over 1,600,000 power optimizers by Q4 2012, thanks to strategic partnerships throughout the PV value chain.
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