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Planetary Technologies

Updated May 2024

Company Info

Planetary Hydrogen extracts key components from mine tailings, such as battery metals and silica, and utilizes a special electrolyzer to split salt and water into hydrogen and alkaline hydroxide using clean, renewable electricity. The alkaline materials are then transported to an ocean outfalls site, where they introduce alkalinity to the surface ocean, facilitating the absorption of CO2 and sequestering it as bicarbonate and carbonate ions in seawater.

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Planetary Technologies job openings posted in the last month

Position TitleLocationDate first postedApply to JobRemote
VP SalesCanadaIn the last 1 week👉 ApplyOn-site only
Site OperatorDartmouth Nova ScotiaIn the last 1 week👉 ApplyOn-site only
VP Project DevelopmentCanadaIn the last 3 weeks👉 ApplyOn-site only
ControllerCanadaIn the last 3 weeks👉 ApplyOn-site only
VP Community RelationsDartmouth Nova ScotiaIn the last 3 weeks👉 ApplyOn-site only

All job openings from Planetary Technologies

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