OzoneBio logo


Updated May 2024

Company Info

OzoneBio is a Canadian cleantech company that uses innovative technology to improve high-value products by reducing their environmental footprint in the early stages of the supply chain. Our unique technology of dead cell fermentation ("Zombie cells") allows us to convert challenging feedstocks into high value materials and products through an emission-negative process. Our first product is emission-zero adipic acid. Every year, the world makes eight million tons of oil-based nylon-6,6, which results in approximately 60 million tons of greenhouse gases emission. Production of oil-based adipic acid releases huge amounts of Nitrous Oxide in atmosphere. Nitrous Oxide is 300 times more potent and toxic for the atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide. A typical oil-based adipic acid plant (like the one in Florida) pumps out 33,046 metric tons of Nitrous Oxide a year. We target to replace global oil-based Nylon66 production. As a women-founded company, OzoneBio aims to lead the way towards a greener, better world by redefining and bolstering what it means to be "sustainable."

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