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Oceans of Energy

Updated May 2024

Company Info

Oceans of Energy is the worldwide leader in offshore solar,. We are the first and only company in the world to install & operate an offshore solar farm system in high waves. This system is located in the North Sea, the roughest sea in the world, and has survived many storms since its deployment in 2019 such as Bella, Dennis, Eunice, Franklin, Corrie, Evert and extratropical cyclone Ciara . We have expanded it and continue expanding to a multi megawatt scale. Our vision is to deliver offshore solar farms to coastal areas and islands, bringing abundant, clean and affordable energy worldwide.

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Oceans of Energy job openings posted in the last month

Position TitleLocationDate first postedApply to JobRemote
Offshore Maintenance EngineerSassenheim, Zuid-Holland, NetherlandsIn the last 4 weeks👉 ApplyOn-site only

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