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Mitra Chem

Updated Jan 2025

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What Mitra Chem makes

New battery materials for clean energy applications – iron-based cathodes that are cleaner, cheaper, and more performant than incumbent materials.

Company Info

Mitra Chem works on new battery materials for clean energy applications.

Mitra Chem’s 5 year vision is to enable mass market electrification for transportation and energy storage applications. The product strategy involves a family of iron-based cathodes that meet or exceed performance specs of incumbent materials while also being safer, cheaper and cleaner.

Mitra Chem’s core differentiator is the ability to shorten lab to production timeline for battery materials by > 90% through close integration between high-throughput, accelerated R&D infrastructure and a cloud-based software and data analytics platform.

Role of software at Mitra Chem

Mitra Chem’s digital infrastructure comprising software, data analytics, and machine learning is the core differentiator for accelerating new material development and deployment in battery cells. Software engineers at Mitra Chem build internal tools to address thorny challenges at the intersection of data science and chemistry.

Responsibilities include:

  1. Architecting and building data pipelines for ingesting and processing vast amounts of data from diverse hardware, data formats and throughput.
  2. Architecting and building data storage and visualization systems for use by internal customers.
  3. Building and improving powerful and scalable cloud infrastructure to host Mitra Chem’s proprietary data analytics and ML tools and enable faster decision making on data.

Mitra Chem's Trajectory

Mitra Chem secured a Series A investment of $20M in Q3 2021 and since then has grown to ~45 employees including a software and data science team of 6.

With a newly constructed state-of-the-art 15,600 sq. ft. industrial lab in Mountain View and R&D efforts ramping up, they expect to continue this growth trajectory in the coming years.

Mitra Chem is looking for Senior Software Engineers to help build their software infrastructure from the ground up and make key design decisions at an early stage.

Mitra Chem's Climate Impact

Mitra Chem’s goal is to accelerate decarbonization through better and cheaper materials that enable electrification of transportation and storage. Affordable EVs are bottlenecked by supply chain issues for critical materials. Mitra Chem’s product strategy enables large scale EV deployment by developing a suite of iron-rich battery cathodes, which are cheaper, significantly more earth-abundant, and supply-chain resilient compared to incumbent nickel and cobalt based cathodes. logo

Mitra Chem number of job openings over time by month

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