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Updated May 2024

Company Info

Global leader in the development and support of software solutions for Environment, Health, Safety and Quality (EHSQ) programs. Our scalable, web-based software provides clients with unprecedented flexibility in managing, tracking and reporting on essential corporate information. Intelex software easily integrates with common ERP systems like SAP and PeopleSoft creating a seamless solution for enterprise-wide information management. Intelex’s friendly, knowledgeable staff ensures our almost 1400 clients and over 3.5 million users from companies across the globe get the most out of our groundbreaking, user-friendly software solutions.

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Intelex job openings posted in the last month

Position TitleLocationDate first postedApply to JobRemote
Information Security InternPittsburgh, PAIn the last 3 days👉 Apply
Content Marketing ManagerTorontoIn the last 2 weeks👉 Apply

All job openings from Intelex

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