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DMC Biotechnologies

Updated May 2024

Company Info

DMC Biotechnologies is a US-based bio-based chemical company specializing in the production of products through microbial fermentation. The company's proprietary technology platform streamlines the biological engineering process, resulting in more consistent, reliable, and predictable fermentation. DMC has successfully launched its initial product, a bio-based chemical intermediate primarily used in sustainable detergents and human nutrition. With a diverse portfolio of scalable and cost-effective offerings, DMC aims to provide sustainable and economically viable solutions across various industries, including animal nutrition, personal and home care, human nutrition, and biobased chemical intermediates.

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DMC Biotechnologies job openings posted in the last month

Position TitleLocationDate first postedApply to JobRemote
Scientist, Fermentation (Synbio)Morrisville, NCIn the last 5 days👉 ApplyOn-site only
Scientist, Metabolic Engineering (Synbio)Morrisville, NCIn the last 5 days👉 ApplyOn-site only
Associate Director, Strain and Metabolic EngineeringMorrisville, NCIn the last 3 weeks👉 ApplyOn-site only

All job openings from DMC Biotechnologies

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