Vertical | Clean Energy |
Subvertical | Generation |
Country | United States |
Last Funding Date | May 2023 |
Latest Funding Type(s) | Grant |
Investors | Bill Gates, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Coatue, Emerson Collective, Eni, Equinor Ventures, Fidelity, Fine Structure Ventures, Footprint Coalition, Google, Hostplus, Khosla Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Lowercarbon Capital, Moore Strategic Ventures, Safar Partners, Sand Hill Angels, Starlight Ventures, Temasek Holdings, The Engine, Tiger Global Management, Time Ventures, Us Department Of Energy |
Total equity funding | $2B |
Website | |
LinkedIn page | Commonwealth Fusion Systems LinkedIn page |
Additional company info | Commonwealth Fusion Systems company tax, EIN & IRS information |
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Company Info
Commonwealth Fusion is an MIT spinoff research company that focuses on bringing fusion energy technology to the market.
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Commonwealth Fusion Systems job openings posted in the last month
Position Title | Location | Date first posted | Apply to Job | Remote |
R&D Technical Program Manager | Devens, MA, USA; Worcester County, MA, USA; Massachusetts, USA; United States; North America | In the last 1 day | 👉 Apply | On-site only |
Diagnostic Mechanical Engineer | Devens, MA | In the last 1 week | 👉 Apply | |
Senior Director of Information Technology | Devens, MA | In the last 1 week | 👉 Apply | |
Lead Production Technician - Second Shift | Somerville, MA | In the last 2 weeks | 👉 Apply | On-site only |
Senior Mechanical Engineer - HTS Magnet Feeder System | Devens, MA | In the last 2 weeks | 👉 Apply | |
Operations Planner | Devens, MA | In the last 2 weeks | 👉 Apply | |
RF Systems Manager | Devens, MA | In the last 3 weeks | 👉 Apply | On-site only |
Vice President of Environment, Health, Safety, and Security | Devens, MA | In the last 4 weeks | 👉 Apply | On-site only |
All job openings from Commonwealth Fusion Systems
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