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Cascade Climate

Updated May 2024

Company Info

Cascade Climate works to accelerate progress in climate interventions that leverage Earth’s natural systems—from soils to oceans to glaciers—to stabilize our climate. As a philanthropically-backed nonprofit, we coordinate and resource ambitious initiatives across science, industry, philanthropy, and policy to overcome the core bottlenecks that are holding back the most promising open-system climate interventions. Our initial focus is advancing the development of a healthy market for enhanced rock weathering (ERW), underpinned by its scientific evidence base and its potential for durable, gigaton-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR).

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Cascade Climate job openings posted in the last month

Position TitleLocationDate first postedApply to JobRemote
AssociateBoston, MAIn the last 2 weeks👉 Apply
Ocean ScientistBoston, MAIn the last 2 weeks👉 ApplyRemote allowed

All job openings from Cascade Climate

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