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Updated May 2024

What Blumen makes

Software for renewable energy project development, design, and permitting.

Company Info

Blumen makes software for some of the world's most active and impactful renewable energy project developers and operators. By structuring the corpus of geospatial data available to the American public and indexing codes, ordinances, and regulations across the country, we make designing a project map as simple as uploading a KMZ file. This saves customers major $$$$ and time.

Role of software at Blumen

Engineers at Blumen are our lifeblood and vigor. You will solve challenging engineering problems on a weekly basis. Just a few highlights from the past few months:

  • repurposing Uber's H3 tiling system to form a standardized siting grid across the US
  • designing a fully automated vector, raster, and timeseries geospatial data ingestion pipeline that processes TBs of data each month
  • architecting a first-of-a-kind LLM-powered siting engineer that queries geospatial SQL and reasons over plain text

Blumen's Trajectory

Blumen expects to ramp revenue quickly in the next 18 months, double headcount, and raise an institutional round of capital.

Blumen's Climate Impact

Our goal is to support 1TW of renewable generation and industrial decarbonization over the next 12 years.