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A123 Systems

Updated May 2024

Company Info

A123 Systems utilizes advanced nanoscale material developed at MIT to create low impedance Nanophosphate electrode technology. This technology offers a competitive advantage by providing higher voltage and lower cost per watt and watt-hour compared to alternative high power technologies. A123 Systems' long-life systems result in reduced lifecycle and system costs, delivering greater overall price-performance. Competitors in this space include Valence, Saft, and Lion Cells.

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A123 Systems job openings posted in the last month

Position TitleLocationDate first postedApply to JobRemote
Key Account Manager - Retail Battery Systems (all genders)Stuttgart, GermanyIn the last 1 week👉 Apply
Manager Systems EngineerNovi, MI, USAIn the last 1 week👉 Apply

All job openings from A123 Systems

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